Aug 11, 2011

Extremely easy pea soup

After the anniversary weekend when we ate tons of calories we needed a light recipe that required less than 15 minutes to prepare. And then I remembered one of Nigella Lawson's recipes for summer soups. The delicious pea soup. All you need is:

500gr peas
1 mozzarella ball
1 stock cube
750ml water
  1. Cook the frozen peas and onion in water with stock cube until tender.
  2. Remove the onion.
  3. Chop up mozzarella and put it in the blender with peas and their liquid.
    Press the soup through a sieve to make it more velvety.
    Serve with a toast. 

1 comment:

  1. Cudowna zastawa!
    Potwierdza się teoria, że jemy również oczami:)
