Mar 23, 2011

I'm in the mood for vintage inspirations today.

Hi everybody! How has your day been so far? I have a free morning today so I had a bit more time to search for something inspiring. And check  these out. I absolutely fell in love with this vintage iPhone amplifier. It doesn't deliver extreme sound impressions but it definitely creates sort of homely and exceptional atmosphere, don't you think? The bad news is that it's quite unaffordable as it costs around 400$, ouch!. Check for yourself at Technabob website. 

Now from the living room let's move on to the bathroom where I would definitely put one of these soap dispensers which I found at Nathalie Stämpfli a dutch designer. 
Works like a pepper mill

I also couldn't resist showing you this cute tablecloth. I'm done with dating since I'm married, well, done with first dates at least and the ones I go on with my Kamil are not so stressfull anymore. For those who need to take some tranquilisers before a date this would be a great way to calm your nerves. Or, if I'm not mistaken, if you can't stop twiddling it's a sign of being in loooove :) So here's something for you to twiddle with!

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