Jul 15, 2011


Gi in a basket

Recently, it has been a bit more hectic over here than it usually is. Having a puppy is like having a baby, at least at some point. There is no excuse, you have to play with it, take care of it, stroke it and scold it and it's not easy at all. If you want your puppy to become a well-bred dog that doesn't walk over you, you really must get round to training in the best way you can...and that is definitely not a piece of cake. We already learned that our sweet and cute puppy is one naughty little minx. She keeps biting everything that is within her reach that is our feet, too, which is a very nasty experience, especially when you're not expecting it. We truly fell in love with her but sometimes you just want to bite her back when she doesn't understand your monologue on how bad it is to bite people's limbs and that she should behave herself, otherwise she won't get the afternoon snack or we will take all her toys away...pfff. What a little ignorant she is :)

...but at the end of the day...I just can't imagine how it would be if she wasn't here with us :)


  1. CUDO!!! Nie mogę się napatrzeć :)

  2. cudowny:) jego widok sprawia, że moje serce zaczyna mięknąć w kwestii posiadania psa;))))
    i na pewno nosiłabym go w koszyku:D

  3. Niestety, powoli nie mieście się już w tym koszyku ale co tam, i tak jest pieszczochem strasznym i znajduje sobie inne, przedziwne miejsca do spania, jest najkochańszym psiakiem pod słońcem :) Szczerze polecam...

  4. kochany ten piesek
