Aug 21, 2012

We are back

...and almost ready to go back to reality. It was a great week, a total getaway, far from all the hectic city life, work and things that trouble us. We loved every minute of it, mainly because it was so spontaneous and carefree. We travelled to a few beautiful spots, took a swim in a lake, drank a lot of beer at a beer festival, spent some time with some friends and ate lots of good food. As usual, we came back with plenty of food supplies from the parents which means no cooking for the next couple of days. We charged our vital batteries and are ready to move along with new endeavours. We'll post more holiday pictures tomorrow so stay tuned!


  1. Yumm:) gdzie mozna zjesc takie lody?

  2. chyba glupie pytanie, bo to pewnie W-wa:D

    1. Jedne w Kazimierzu Dolnym, drugie w Zamościu :) chociaż w Wawie też dobre mają :)
