May 18, 2011

Sicilian style pasta

Today we needed a recipe where we could use our freshly planted herbs. Yesterday I watched Jamie Oliver’s 30-minute meals programme, he cooked some damn tasty looking food. We decided to try it out. It turned out to be so deliiiicious! For the full recipe go here . It’s not the oficial site but I couldn’t find it anywhere on Jamie’s page. 
Since we’re on a diet, well, actually I am but Kamil is so sweet and he’s keeping me company, we quit the dessert and the garlic bread but the main dish was fantastic enough…and believe me, it really took like 15 minutes to prepare. 
We made chifferi pasta with pesto for which we used basil leaves, almonds, chilli, parmesan, cherry tomatoes, garlic and anchovis with rocket and chicory salads on the side. For the first we used simple olive oil and lemon seasoning and the pre-grilled chicory we mixed with pressed garlic, fresh rosmary, olive oil and balsamic vinegar marinade.

We were told chicory is super healthy so we decided to include it in our diet but I must admit I’m not a huge fan. The marinade was perfect but it didn’t kill the bitter taste of chicory.

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